- Trombonist - Composer - Musician -
Services Available
+Freelance Tenor Trombonist +Composer/Arranger of All Styles +ProTools Mixing/Engineering/Producing +Advertising Music ~Radio Jingles ~Commercial Music ~Corporate Music +Music Copyist and Orchestrator +Skattitude Booking If interested you can CONTACT me here. -You will find examples of my work below- |
Examples of My Work
If interested you can CONTACT me here.
(everything below was recorded, mixed, and produced by myself using the ProTools music software)
If interested you can CONTACT me here.
(everything below was recorded, mixed, and produced by myself using the ProTools music software)
This is an original piece I wrote for orchestra entitled "Newfound Passion".
This is an electronic remix I made of the classic jazz standard "Summertime".
-PERFORMANCE EXAMPLES-Ecliptic is a band that I ran with Evan Waaramaa (keyboard). I sing, play trombone, and do all of the recording and mixing myself.
This is a voice-over for the Art Junction Jingle that I wrote, recorded, and produced in Pro Tools.
This is a radio jingle I wrote and produced for an art studio located in Hollis, NH called The Art Junction.
This is a spot that I did as a personal project of a Coca-Cola Commercial. The song used is an original one that I wrote, engineered, and produced myself called "Am I Right".